Sunday, November 7, 2010

Fairy Tales: Bluebeard

I believe my favorite Bluebeard story is "Fitcher's Bird".  The only reason I look it so much above the rest is because unlike the other stories the younger bride thinks of a way out and a way to change her future and the fate of her sisters.  She outsmarts the villain and I believe that is the thing you need the most in story.  Instead of waiting for someone to save you, you can definitely figure a way out yourself.  She thought about the situation and "put the egg aside, and then examined the house..." she found out another way to be curious and just dealt with the situation with pure thought and cleverness.  The other stories more or less let the young girl be rescued by pure chance and stalling.  The Fitcher's Bird I believe provided more of a moral to the story of Bluebeard, that there is hope.

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