Sunday, September 26, 2010

Fairy Tales: Red Riding Hood

This cartoon represent a realists idea of what other wolves and people might think of the story of Little Red Riding Hood.  In this picture we can clearly see a normal wolf, however standing and talking, remarking on the wolf from Little Red Riding hood.  He is remarking on the odd way that the other wolf is dressed.  In our world, as opposed to the fairy tale world, he would be considered "gay" or gender confused.  Another modern example of this, is in Shrek, the wolf is referred to as a "gendered confused wolf".  However, the wolf in the above cartoon says that the original saying "wolf in sheep's clothing" is still acceptable in our world from the fairy tale world but the red riding hood wolf doesn't make sense.  So basically, the wolf is questioning the purpose of having a gender confused wolf in this fairy tale.  What possible lesson could it stand for, for our children?  This is  a social comic based on the question of morality in this fairy tale.  I enjoy this cartoon for the constant confusion of the importance of this story, especially to the extreme of a wolf disguising himself as a grandmother, solely by just putting on an old woman's clothing.  However according to some psychoanalysis data that there was some importance of how the wolf has some pregnant envy, how he wish he could have a child, or be pregnant.  There are still many who question the importance of the fairy tale.
by Kes

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